C’est en anglais que les classes de première AGORA et EURO ont dû restituer des informations, lors de la visite du MOBE (Museum d’Orléans pour la Biodiversité et l’environnement) en avril 2024. Certains éléments n’étaient pas simples à trouver ! L’ensemble des élèves a fait preuve de pugnacité pour parvenir à remplir le questionnaire qui leur avait été donné au début de la visite, porte d’entrée d’une mission ayant pour thème les espèces en danger, qui s’achèvera en juin.
Le ressenti des élèves de Première AGORA lors de cette visite :
« In the museum, my favourite place was level 2, because there were lots of animals that I knew by sight but not in reality. we really liked this visit. » Nouha and Rahja.
« My favourite place is the level two « landscapes » in the mammal section as well as the « city ecosystem » space. Alicia loved the otter on display and Melissa loved the different foxes. » Alicia and Melissa
« We preferred the felines. » Rayan and Moustafa
« During this visit, we preferred the search for the famous Dodo bird, at least 30 minutes to find it! We liked to observe the many animals on display as well as the atmosphere of the museum. » Chloé and Ema
« During the visit, we preferred to look at the large animals like the giraffe, the mammoth or the Atlas lion. They were very impressive. We are so small compared to them. » Parvez and Tyron.
« During our visit to the museum of Orleans, we loved to discover new species that we had never seen before. The animals are impressive to see, and to listen to. » Oumaïma and Koko.
« The giraffe is tall and amazing! »Alizée and Turkan.
« Room 2, there are armchairs and a screen, we were able to rest and watch a report! We recommend the room! » Besma and Nawel.
« What we liked best was seeing the animals that have already disappeared. It was interesting. » Sakeena and Jade.
Le compte rendu de la Première EURO :
« We went to the MOBE – museum d’Orléans pour la biodiversité et l’environnement.
We did a treasure hunt around the museum to find information about the species in the museum.
The work was graded.
We saw extinct species such as prehistorical animals, lion of Atlas, the wolf of Tasmania, the Dodo, as well as rare species and endemic species from the Loiret.
We saw a collection of insects, fossils.
Seeing the number of extinct species, we learnt that we should preserve our planet and its species. »
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Article rédigé par C. Rossignol